Non/disney roleplay for vidders/writers set in a city where 90% of the population is affected by a scientific event that gave them superpowers.
gods, youtube/forum, roleplay, non/disney, vidders/writers, city, population, #scientific, event, superpowers
Free forum : scientific. Welcome my friends. Free forum Friends scientific
منتدى مجاني : this site deals with the scientific aspects of prosthetic dentistry and focusses mainly on the dental students in upper Egypt
منتدى, مجاني, prosthetic, dentistry, minia, this, site, deals, dental, students, upper, egypt
This is about a forum of teachers of PDDUIAS Utlou. The discussions will cover over a wide spectrum ranging from scientific to cultural heritage and a lot more.
forum, this, about, teachers, pdduias, utlou, discussions, will, cover, over, wide, spectrum, ranging, from, #scientific, cultural, heritage, more
Free forum : A forum to use scientific research to back up paranormal happenings and using this information to share with others.
free, forum, preternatural, club, paranormal, only, regarding, #scientific, research, back, experiences
We are a group of volunteers who donated our spare computer resources to the BOINC Scientific Community, hoping that our efforts will benefit mankind.
boinc, blackops, team, group, volunteers, donated, spare, resources, #scientific, community, hoping, efforts, benefit, mankin
The scientific forum of Fausto Intilla (inventor & scientific popularizer)ol - WWW. OLOSCIENCE. COM
An original To Aru Majutsu no Index & To Aru Kagaku no Railgun RP
roleplay, index, railgun, majutsu, kagaku, certain, magical, #scientific, academy, city
We are an experienced team of serious paranormal researchers comprised of those with both scientific and psychic approaches.
visions, paranormal, support, experienced, team, serious, researchers, comprised, those, with, both, #scientific, psychic, approaches
Mathematical Board for Physics Mathematics Astronomy Astrophysics and Computer Science
eosforum, physics, science, mathematics, forums, free, #scientific, astronomy, mathematic, mathematical, hard, sciences, motion, pictures, films, comics, computers, computer, longevity, biology, library, quantum, programming